Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Thoughts: Eating Binge

Ever since I came to Korea, I've gained some more for my future significant other to love. It hasn't gotten back to pre-college me (THANK GOD), but I'm definitely not a size s anymore. So I decided to go on a diet, but not one of those crazy fashion bitch ones. I don't want to be a stick. I just want to be healthy. After the recent health check, the cholesteral is a bit high, so I'm trying to eat more balanced meals when I have time to eat a proper meal. Other eating times consists of me drinking tea/ milk tea and having a bagel or yogurt at Starbucks. I don't think I've actually lost any weight, but I feel more satisfied and not hungry all the time. I used to think I had worms in the stomach minus the plus of not gaining weight. I have one day, though, where I get to eat whatever I want whenever I want. That was yesterday. Friday. I stayed home on my Friday night, and ate until when I burped I almost threw up. I had 30 dumplings, ice cream, chips, and yogurt. It was an intense eating session more or less. It made me really happy and really sleepy, but its all good. 

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