Saturday, February 11, 2012

Places: Natural Cafe in SB

Natural Cafe in Santa Barbara is pretty delicious. It is no AMAZING place, but it is definitely tolerable. The top is a had berries in it. Berries are delicious. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries. Did you ever notice that the p in raspberries is silent? Did I spell raspberries right? I blame the US education system. Oh, catholic school/public school, what have you done to my spelling abilities!?!

The bottom is a tamale (my sister says that in Spanish, one tamale is a tamal...and more than one tamale is tamale...WHAT!? Tamale is plural for a tamal!?!?!). I ate this tamal when I was very hungover sick last year, but I forgot about it until now. It was alright. The only really good thing about this place is that it is very veggie friendly. You can pretty much add tofu to anything...and I mean ANYTHING. With a name like Natural Cafe...yeah you better add tofu to my eggplant BIATCH! After watching a man hammer a goat to death on TV, I think vegetarianism is the way to go yo. 

WOAH WOAH. Does anyone know how to rotate photos on this blogger thing....I cannot figure it out for the life of me. So for now, my smoothie will be sideways.

Sorry for the poo poo pictures...these are from my phone.

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