Saturday, January 28, 2012

Things I learned today: 답답하다

I finally learned the true meaning of 답답하다. When you want to talk, and the words are coming out but then someone cuts you off. You don't get a chance to think and then talk. 답답하다. When you are in the middle of saying something, and someone cuts you off. 답답하다. When the explanation is clear in your head, and you are about to say it but someone (who is probably waiting for it) cuts you off. 답답하다. Its in your head, and you are articulating it. BUT someone cuts you off again답답하다.답답하다.답답하다.답답하다. The goal for the coming weeks and the rest of life: Don't let anyone make you 답답해 again. Talk when they talk. Cut them off. Because you deserve to be heard as well.

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